This is not a subject that most people are comfortable discussing. Death involves some unknowns and seems so final. I think if we get the subject out on the table, we will embrace life with more vitality and vigor. I think I can be more positive living my life here on earth when I keep…
I have met lots of people who were “one of a kind”. I’ve even said, “The Lord broke the mold when He made him/her”. The truth is, we are all unique, there is no other exactly like me. I do have kids that have picked up on some of my tendencies, tone of voice and…
I love songs. I love music. Music and lyrics are a powerful force in our world. I can remember where I was and what I was doing from years ago when some songs come on the air. Some of those memories are good and some of them not so much. I like many styles and…
This is a presidential election year here in the United States. When our president is elected there is a peaceful transition of power that is shown around the world. In debate, it appears that the leaders hate each other, but they respect the office. There are leadership transitions that happen in various business. The board…
My wife and I had a very memorable Valentine Dinner at the Mustard Seed Café last evening. The Mustard Seed Café is at City Station and is part of our church family. They had a valentine special formal dinner and it was very, very nice. The menu was special and there three choices of entrées…
There are times before a big test, it’s helpful to do a review. You go back over the material to help it stick in memory before the test. I also find it helpful to review where I’ve been the past several years on my journey so that I can make better choices today. Sometimes a…
I try to wake up each morning with a grateful heart for the blessing of the Lord upon my life. Even when I’m stressed, I have much to be thankful for. I believe that the blessing of the Lord is a by-product of my obedience and trust in Him. I also believe that the blessing…
I remember an old hymn that I used to sing growing up called: “Trust & Obey”. The chorus says: “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” I’ve been learning over the years that the Lord is blessed by my obedience then all the songs…
I remember as a kid not appreciating or liking some of the instructions of my parents. I thought they were crazy. I often thought I was smarter than they were. I remember times that I pouted even though I was obeying my parents. I had a “tude” about whatever it was they were asking me…
I will often look up a word in the dictionary that jumped off the pages of God’s Word. This morning, the word honest jumped out. I was taught the value of honest at a young age when I was busted by my parents for being dishonest. I also learned how it hurts me and my…