
Good Grief

By Dwayne Hicks | February 18, 2015 |

This is often a slang phrase when something comes as a surprise, an irritation or frustration. “Good Grief Charlie Brown” because a household phrase thanks to Charles Shultz and his cartoon, Peanuts. I’ve used the slang before, but the phrase came to mind this morning in light of the struggle that the Lord has with…


By Dwayne Hicks | February 17, 2015 |

The word wrath means “extreme anger”. I can’t recall being the object of someone else’s wrath. I can remember as a teenager making my Dad really mad and I’m pretty sure I was punished for whatever it was I did to make him mad. I’ve personally been “sideways” mad but this wrath word seems extreme…

Here’s Your Sign

By Dwayne Hicks | February 16, 2015 |

The comedian Bill Engvall made this statement several years ago by releasing a recording of a comedy routine called “Here’s Your sign”. His routine would begin with his stating that stupid people should have to wear warning signs that simply state “I’m stupid.” He then goes on to tell several anecdotes in which someone asks…

Hard Head – Hard Heart

By Dwayne Hicks | February 15, 2015 |

I’ve been called “hard headed” before by my parents, my wife and others who know me. I do feel like I’m a reasonable person for the most part. If I feel strongly that my position on a certain subject is correct, I have been known to “dig in” and defend my position. I think the…

Speak Up & Speak Out

By Dwayne Hicks | February 14, 2015 |

There is a time to be quiet and there is a time to speak up and out. Over the years I have more trouble speaking too much instead of not speaking enough. Words can bring healing to hurtful situations. Words can also destroy people’s lives. I’m learning, the older I get, how valuable well thought…

Shock & Awe

By Dwayne Hicks | February 13, 2015 |

There have been times when I’ve received news that absolutely stunned me. I’ve also been speechless and weak in the knees after hearing or seeing certain events take place. Another symptom that usually gets to me is being sick to my stomach. When I first heard about the 9/11 attacks on New York, I was…

Deep Repentance

By Dwayne Hicks | February 12, 2015 |

I have repented many times for many reasons. Repent in it’s simplest form means to “feel or express sincere regret or remorse about my wrongdoing or sin”. I have done wrong to others before and needed to repent. Repentance in a practical sense means to stop or change a behavior or action that is wrong…

Punishment & Brokenness

By Dwayne Hicks | February 11, 2015 |

I remember some of the punishments I received as a child. My parents did not “spare the rod” or “spoil their child”. I remember comparing my punishment to that of my other siblings. I remember being grounded. I remember having to do extra chores or work around the house. I never thought punishment at the…

Hope Has A Name

By Dwayne Hicks | February 10, 2015 |

There are some days that I just need hope. I mean I need a sliver of hope. I can get so discouraged and beat down that I can’t seem to get my head up. I really hate getting so down and so discouraged, but sometimes my circumstances scream louder at me than the hope deep…

Weary Eyes

By Dwayne Hicks | February 9, 2015 |

There have been times when I’ve cried so much that my eyes can hardly see. I know what it is like to experience deep pain and heartache. It is not something you would wish on someone else, including your enemy. I believe I’m stronger for having gone through such deep pain and heartache, but it…