I lived in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains many years ago and I loved driving around the area and seeing the incredible views of the Smokey’s in the background against the sky. Those views are stunning and I do see why people want to move to the mountains to live. (My daughter who was…
I worked in ministry for several years with a good man who taught me much about life and ministry. He used to remind me that I could be much more effective when I learned to delegate some tasks and then focus my attention on other tasks. He used to say: “2-4-6-8 we must learn to…
A few weeks ago we were at home in the living room, watching a television show together as a family when a pretty significant storm came through. I went to the kitchen and realized that our water was off. I immediately made sure that I hadn’t forgotten to pay the bill and I hadn’t. I…
A transition is a process of changing from one situation to another. Transitions include change and that’s not always easy. I can look back at some of the transitions in my life and to say they were difficult would be quite and understatement. There is the transition of going from being single to being…
I know that there are people who can’t carry a tune, but they can still sing. I believe that we are “hard-wired” to love music and song. I’m pretty sure that God loves songs written for Him and about Him. I believe that God is a music lover. Music and song expresses emotions from deep…
This word means, “to make a prominent exhibition of something in a place where it can be easily seen”. It is often appropriate for me to display my love and appreciation for my wife and children. I actually believe as a Christ follower that my life is on display and conclusions are drawn about my…
This is one of those English words that have multiple meanings. As my youngest son has learned, processed and translated the English language from Spanish, he has been constantly frustrated that our language has so many words that are pronounced the same, but has different meanings. The word “ahead” can mean “further forward motion…
I’m not sure how old I was when my Great Grandma died. I just remember the grief of my family. I think that may have been my earliest memory of someone near me dying. Now that I’m older, I been near death many times. I still struggle with the reality of death. It seems…
There are occasions when the meteorologist can forecast hurricanes and tornados because of incredible technology available to us. I remember seeing the leaves blow and turn over and I was told that a storm was coming. There are times when we can see disaster on the horizon. Some economist can make predictions about an…
I’ve lost count at how many times I find myself in a position of repentance. I believe that I’m older and wiser, but yet I still find myself in a place of repentance. I actually believe that repentance is a part of my life as a follower of Jesus. I know what I’m supposed to…