See & Hear

I have had to wear corrective lenses for a long time. I think it’s hereditary for the most part. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed my hearing is off a bit. I have always liked my music loud. My ability to hear some of the higher frequencies is long gone.

I’ve noticed people (me included), who have selective hearing. In other words, I hear what I want to hear. I sometimes have selective eyesight – I see what I want to see and ignore the rest. Selective seeing and hearing can be a big problem. If I ignore cries for help or if I see a problem that I can fix but ignore it – that is on me.

The people of Israel had a hearing and seeing problem. The Lord was giving them instructions and they were ignoring Him completely. Check this out…

1Again a message came to me from the Lord: “Son of man, you live among rebels who have eyes but refuse to see. They have ears but refuse to hear. For they are a rebellious people. (Ezekiel 12:1-2 NLT)

My hearing and seeing often have nothing to do with my physical hearing and seeing. It has much more to do with my heart. Is my heart moved by what I see and hear? Is the Lord trying to teach me through my spiritual hearing and seeing?

I can’t control the physical hearing loss or the less than perfect physical vision – I can drastically improve my spiritual eyes and ears.  I want to see more of Jesus. I want to hear more from Jesus. My time in His Word improves my seeing with His eyes and hearing with His ears.

Pressing On!


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