Contrast – Right vs. Wrong

I remember being taught as a kid that it was always best to choose what was right as opposed to what was wrong. I soon learned that right and wrong are sometimes like moving targets. What was wrong to my parents was not wrong with other parents. The rules that I grew up following were a lot stricter than some of my friends. At the core of those rules were a contrast between right and wrong.  There will always be a right way and wrong way to do something. I am trying to always choose the right way. I believe that there are good ways to choose that leads to life and I believe there are bad ways to choose that can lead to death. It really is that simple, but there is so much in between life and death.  When I choose the good way, I’m choosing the way designed by The Creator. He designed me to love, serve and give to others. When I serve myself, I’m on a path that leads to self-destruction, greed and hatred.

King Solomon makes it really clear that choose right is wisdom. The choose wrong is certain destruction. Check this out….

20 The words of the godly are like sterling silver;
    the heart of a fool is worthless.

21 The words of the godly encourage many,
    but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense.

22 The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich,
    and he adds no sorrow with it.

23 Doing wrong is fun for a fool,
    but living wisely brings pleasure to the sensible.

17 People who accept discipline are on the pathway to life,
    but those who ignore correction will go astray. (Proverbs 10:20-23,17 NLT)

I believe that I have many choices between right and wrong each day of my life. As I continue to study self-discipline, I realize that it really is delayed gratification. I’m making choices to do good today because the payoff comes later.

I heard a great quote yesterday that said: “We can’t choose our success. We choose our daily habits and our habits find success.”  I want to choose wisely between right and wrong. I want to make sure that the wrong choice is not “dressed up” to look “right”! I need to continue to seek the Wisdom of God as I choose the honor Him with my life choices. My simple little habits today are shaping my future and if I’m not paying close attention to my habits, they will lead me to destruction. My habits are my choice. My choices are my choices. My actions are my choice. There is a right way and a wrong way – I want to choose the right way each time.

Pressing On!


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