
Teacher – Student

By Dwayne Hicks | December 9, 2012 |

I became a student as soon as I was born. I started to learn things from my parents. I must have remembered to cry when hungry. I learned to talk and walk. I learned so much more when I started school, which exists for the purpose of helping kids learn. I must confess that I…

Mountains & Molehills

By Dwayne Hicks | December 8, 2012 |

There’s a certain time of year that moles used to get in our yard. I remember my parents planting a “mole bean” plan in the edge of the yard that was to keep them away. I think it actually worked! I remember a saying that I learned as a very young kid. It spoke of…


By Dwayne Hicks | December 7, 2012 |

I was not always obedient as a child growing up – I know it’s hard to believe! J I was probably somewhat typical of kids then and today. We sort of obey, but if given the chance to not get caught, we might just veer off the original plan and improvise a bit. I guess…


By Dwayne Hicks | December 6, 2012 |

I’ve have had my moment of self-pride and just a bit “cocky” because of pride. I quickly learn how short a distance the fall and how hard the fall can be. I believe that God hate prideful and arrogant people. He loves the humble person. He is drawn to them. When I’m arrogant and full…

History is His-Story

By Dwayne Hicks | December 5, 2012 |

I love studying history of how our country began. I remember as a kid at Knifley Grade Center enjoying the study of Kentucky history and then at Adair County High studying American History. I also learned that some of the mistakes that we are making as a country today, we probably should have learned from…


By Dwayne Hicks | December 4, 2012 |

I’ve made promises before. It’s good to be trusted and taken at my word. There have been times when I promised something to one of my kids and couldn’t follow through. I’m actually reluctant to make many promises because sometimes it’s out of my power to keep them.  If I tell my sons that I…

Pour It Out!

By Dwayne Hicks | December 3, 2012 |

I love having a fire in the back yard at the end of the day – to relax and reflect on the day’s happenings. I’m really glad that my wife and two youngest sons enjoy it too. We will on occasion sit out by the fire for a couple of hours watching the flames lick…

Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow

By Dwayne Hicks | December 2, 2012 |

There are things that happened yesterday that I can’t ever get back or change. There is today and I do have some say as to how today goes. I can control some of my choices and actions. Tomorrow is a different story. I’m not promised tomorrow, but I think it will come. I don’t know…

Light Force!

By Dwayne Hicks | December 1, 2012 |

In my days of student ministry, I directed a youth choir called “The Light Force”! As I think of that period of my life, it brings a smile. I was part of a successful student ministry and the music and drama really impacted the students who participated as well as the audience who came to…

Presence Pushes Out Worry

By Dwayne Hicks | November 30, 2012 |

I’ve heard it said that worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do, but it will get you nowhere.  I’ve been known to worry about stuff. I’ve been known to worry about people. I’ve even reworded worry to make me feel better about it.  I often use the words: “I’m…