

By Dwayne Hicks | August 5, 2013 |

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a parent. In 1986 I became a Dad for the first time. I knew very little about being a Dad, but I learned quickly. When children are small they depend on their parents for pretty much everything. They don’t even have to leave what they are doing to go to…


By Dwayne Hicks | August 4, 2013 |

I have beliefs about a lot of different topics and ideas. Some things that I believe are not up for debate. Those beliefs have become convictions. Some things I believe are probably not going to happen. For example, I believe the Atlanta Braves will win the World Series this year. I apologize to any avid…

Not Ashamed

By Dwayne Hicks | August 3, 2013 |

There have been many embarrassing moments in my life. I don’t hide my embarrassment very well either. When I get embarrassed, my face turns very red and flushed. I have never been able to control that either. I don’t set out to be embarrassed either. It’s just something that happens.  Jesus speaks clearly to His…


By Dwayne Hicks | August 2, 2013 |

I will be the first to admit that I’m not a clean freak. I can handle clutter for a little while and then I have to take action and clean up. I wash my hands often, but not like “OCD people”.  Summer time presents other issues regarding cleanliness. I also sweat a good bit if…


By Dwayne Hicks | August 1, 2013 |

That word carries with it ideas of relaxation, recovery, and a stress-free place and time. There are times when I’ve joked about having a busy vacation and coming back to work to relax. Rest can reinvigorate every part of me. It’s early in the morning and I’ve just awakened from a night of rest. It…

Show & Tell

By Dwayne Hicks | July 31, 2013 |

One of my favorite parts of grade school was when we had “show and tell”.  My classmates and I would bring unique things from our home or life and show off the item and tell what it does and/or what it means to us.  I enjoyed it because it was different and I was hearing…


By Dwayne Hicks | July 30, 2013 |

In my world as a REALTOR, there are disclosures that must be made when dealing with real estate. For example, if there has been a flood and water got into the house, it should be disclosed. Disclosure brings to light things that were not known, but could be important to be known.  Jesus spoke of…


By Dwayne Hicks | July 29, 2013 |

I’ve been called stubborn before and I’ve used this term to describe others. It is defined as: “having dogged determination not to change one’s mind or position on something in spite of good reasons or arguments to do so.” The word stubborn is often synonymous with “bull-headed”.  I think it’s ok at times to be…


By Dwayne Hicks | July 28, 2013 |

I have invested significantly with several doctors in my area over the years. I’m not sick often, but I do have lots of allergy issues. I also have children who have visited the doctor quite often. When I’m feeling sick, I need a cure. The doctor has access to the medicines that can provide the…


By Dwayne Hicks | July 27, 2013 |

I love learning new ideas and new concepts. I remember not enjoying school so much when I was in college. I guess I saw it as a “means to an end”. If I wanted a job, I had to go to college – so I did. After being in student ministry for nearly 7 years,…