Marriage is quite a mystery in some ways and at the end of the day it is about commitment to ones spouse. Marriage is under assault in our culture as being outdated and old-fashioned. I would contend that there is no other relationship that we can be in that takes its place. A healthy marriage…
When I think about the way I’ve treated my body over the years, I’m a bit embarrassed. I admire people who are physically fit and have a strong exercise regimen. I have been there and done that. I remember a time when I ran 3-5 miles in a morning. I got out of the habit…
This is a really big word that carries a lot with it. I think of it as a friend trying to help me make the right choices for my life. Things sometimes distract me that direct my thoughts and actions away from what I’m supposed to be doing. I need accountability to work smarter not…
I realize that light chases out darkness and exposes what was hidden. I love light because I can see much better. I don’t have cat eyes, so I need light to see in the dark. I also don’t always like what is hidden in the dark. Paul is really challenging the church at Corinth about…
I generally love to grow and learn new ideas and concepts. I’ve tried to quit growing physically because I just grow out, because I’m all grown up! I love going to classes and conferences that pour into me. I love to learn from the lives and business models of others. Usually when I learn from…
I remember hearing the phrase: “seek first to understand and then you can be understood”. It’s sometimes hard to understand where a person is coming from when certain statements come from their mouth. There are other times when it’s clear what their agenda is and its “game on”. Understanding is sometimes a difficult concept. I…
This word is defined as having some “quick witted intelligence”. I’m not sure if all the people whom I think are smart fit that definition. I think smart also encompasses wisdom. Wisdom implies knowledge, experience and good judgment. I usually form an opinion about others as to how smart they are. This is not always…
This is all about compliance to Lords instructions and plans. Obedience is really pretty clear – either you do what He asks or you don’t. Obedience is usually an “all or nothing” sort of thing. It’s pretty simple and easy to measure. You either obey or not. Paul praises the church at Rome for their…
This is a word that has incredibly deep meaning. I’ve been in a place of incredible hope and I know the opposite of hope, which is despair. Hope is anticipation, expectation & desire for something to happen. Hope often keeps me motivated and moving forward in the journey. If I lost all hope, it would…
I grew up believing it was wrong to work on Sunday. We were taught at a very young age “to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy”. So no one in our family worked on Sunday. As I grew up and began to study the Word, I realized that the Sabbath was actually Saturday and…