
Steak & Bologna

By Dwayne Hicks | January 24, 2014 |

My bologna has a first name…Kroger! I don’t want to speak in derogatory tone about one of my favorite lunchmeats. I grew up enjoying a bologna sandwich with mustard only. I could get one at my Pappy’s store. It was really good eating. I didn’t grow up eating a lot of steak because there were…

Accountability via The Word

By Dwayne Hicks | January 23, 2014 |

  I enjoy walking through the Word of God each day. I try hard not to miss a day hearing from Him. I believe as I journey through the Word of God that He reveals Himself and shows me the way I should live. Sometimes it crazy to think about how it works. I can…

Heart Condition

By Dwayne Hicks | January 22, 2014 |

Everyone I know has a heart condition. Some have a weak heart condition and some have a strong heart condition. Whenever I hear those two words together it is usually a heart condition that is bad and needs treatment of some sort. I have a physical heart that is getting older and has been pumping…


By Dwayne Hicks | January 21, 2014 |

There are times that I’ve classified my self as ignorant. I know others who fit that word quite nicely as well. This word simply means lack of knowledge, information or awareness about a specific subject. Ignorant is not always the fault of the one being ignorant. For example, there are people in authority who are…


By Dwayne Hicks | January 20, 2014 |

I believe that everyone has someone who is superior to him or her. I don’t know any one in any position that doesn’t answer to someone. Even if I am a partner and one of the owners in my own business, I still have accountability.  I hold my partners accountable and they hold me accountable.…

Favor of Forgiveness

By Dwayne Hicks | January 19, 2014 |

I love it when people do me a favor. It’s not always easy to return the favor, because sometimes favors can cost me time or money. There are times when a favor costs both.  Forgiveness is a favor that seems expensive because I have to lay down some pride in order to forgive deeply and…

Cause & Effect

By Dwayne Hicks | January 18, 2014 |

I do believe that there are consequences (good or bad) to my choices and my behavior. I looked up the phrase “Cause & Effect” and found that it is derived from “Causality”. This word means:  1“the relationship between something that happens or exists and the thing that causes it”; 2 “the idea that something can…


By Dwayne Hicks | January 17, 2014 |

I went to bed last night planning to get up early and ride for 6 miles or so. After hitting the snooze twice, (which I normally don’t do) I realized that my body didn’t feel like riding. So I opted for my coffee first thing while I try to wake up my mind. After my…

Salutation of Hope

By Dwayne Hicks | January 16, 2014 |

I love receiving personal letters even if people don’t know exactly how to write well. Today we use email for a lot of correspondence. A personal letter, especially hand-written, communicates great value from the person because it took some valuable time for them to write it. Sometimes the greeting of the letter sets the tone…


By Dwayne Hicks | January 15, 2014 |

I have clothes for winter that are warm because the weather is generally colder.  I have clothes that are light for the summer because it’s considerably warmer. I’m not one of these guys who wear shorts year round.  My closet is big enough for “in season” clothes and “out of season” clothes. I can go…