
No Need

By Dwayne Hicks | May 4, 2014 |

It’s really hard to buy a gift for the person who has everything. I mean what do you buy someone gets what they need when they need it? When I’m faced with this challenge, sometimes the best gifts are ones that I’ve made with my own hands using my creativity. A gift that is hand-made…


By Dwayne Hicks | May 3, 2014 |

I do want to be considered a success by people who know me. I really want to be considered a success by the Lord. I also want the people I’ve worked with and known for years to consider me successful. I have to say that I don’t want my posterity based on wealth or fame.…


By Dwayne Hicks | May 2, 2014 |

This word describes someone whose behavior or actions are unchanging for a long period of time. I am pretty consistent about eating every day. There are all sorts of things that I can be consistent at. I love seeing someone consistent at practice so that his or her performances can be consistently good. The sons…


By Dwayne Hicks | May 1, 2014 |

I love hearing applause. I like going to a college basketball game and being part of the cheering crowd. I also like going to a concert where the musicians on stage are rocking out on some of my favorite songs. The crowd gets into the music or the game…it’s a really fun atmosphere. Applause is…

No Fear

By Dwayne Hicks | April 30, 2014 |

There is a brand of American clothing introduced in the late 80’s called “No Fear” It came out of the motor cross scene but became quite iconic with a youthful culture here in the USA. I was never into the slogan much, but as a believer I do like it in some ways. I was…


By Dwayne Hicks | April 29, 2014 |

I’ve always thought of legacy is something that comes after I’m gone from this life. It is also thought of what things I’d leave behind. I do want my children to know Jesus and follow Him with their lives. That would be a legacy to be extremely thankful for. The sons of Korah have written…

Trust Protection

By Dwayne Hicks | April 28, 2014 |

I have often thought about how I will defend my family if our home were broken into. We have an alarm system to give early warning and I have a plan that does involve a gun. I will do whatever it takes to protect my family. I would give my life to protect them. I…


By Dwayne Hicks | April 27, 2014 |

I’ve had a guided tour through Mammoth Cave in Kentucky on more than one occasion. The thing I really enjoy about a guided tour, I can simply follow the guide. They have lots of great information as we go along. They also know where not to go. I actually trust the guide to lead me…


By Dwayne Hicks | April 26, 2014 |

If I’m out and about and I get thirsty, I will usually try to take care of that need. My body needs to continually be hydrated. It’s even more presence in the heat and the sun. I really like a tall glass of water. I do like Diet Coke or Sprite Zero, but nothing quenches…


By Dwayne Hicks | April 25, 2014 |

This is a special word. This word is defined as: “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness”. This is a word that means a lot to me whether I’m dealing with my car mechanic, HVAC friend, car salesman, pastor or anyone. The character trait is big to me. This word…