
Press On!

By Dwayne Hicks | April 21, 2015 |

For the past few years I have written a journal/blog that comes from my personal journey through The Word. I am certainly not a theologian, but I’m a student of The Word. I want to know more and more about The Lord as I journey through His Word. This morning as I’m reading the book…


By Dwayne Hicks | April 20, 2015 |

My Dad has had some pretty scary experiences with this ailment. Vertigo is defined as a sensation of whirling and loss of balance that can be caused by an inner ear issue. I not been diagnosed with vertigo, but I know what it’s like to be dizzy and fall. I’m not know to be clumsy…


By Dwayne Hicks | April 19, 2015 |

There are boundaries is just about every area of life. There are lines that are not to be crossed in friendship, in families, in marriages, in business, etc… This word is defined as: “a line that marks the limits of an area”. Obviously in the aforementioned areas of life, the line is figurative, but pretty…


By Dwayne Hicks | April 18, 2015 |

This is a part of forgiveness but quite a bit different. While forgiveness is giving up my right to strike back, reconciliation is the restoration of the relationship. I can easily forgive someone whom I barely know and my never see again, but reconciliation takes a whole different level of forgiveness – it’s about restoration…

Forgiveness Is Beautiful

By Dwayne Hicks | April 17, 2015 |

I have known for many years that forgiveness for a Christ follower is not optional. I have been forgiven for my sins; therefore forgiveness should be part of my character and who I am. After working through forgiveness and coming to terms with the weight of it as well as it’s value, it comes easier…

Lived Out Lesson

By Dwayne Hicks | April 16, 2015 |

I still remember object lessons that taught great truth to me even as a young kid. The truth sticks a bit better with me if I can visualize it. I believe the Lord teaches me truth in that way sometimes as well. Hosea was a prophet that lived out the object lesson for the people…

The List

By Dwayne Hicks | April 15, 2015 |

I remember as a youngster trying out for the basketball team in elementary school. I tried to make up for my lack of skill by straight up hustle. I remember the tryouts and my abilities being judged by the coach. I clearly remember going to the list that was posted to see if my name…


By Dwayne Hicks | April 14, 2015 |

This is not necessarily positive term. By definition it means: “lavish insincere praise and compliments upon (someone), especially to further one’s own interests”. I’ve had someone pour on the flattery and quite honestly in makes me suspicious of their own agenda. There is a big difference in having someone who knows me to pay me…

Freaked Out

By Dwayne Hicks | April 13, 2015 |

There are times that I can’t explain what just happened and it really shocks me. I have heard things that I couldn’t explain. I’ve seen things that I can’t explain. I will tell you that sort of thing can really freak me out a bit. Daniel saw something that freaked him out a bit. He…

Prayer Power

By Dwayne Hicks | April 12, 2015 |

I have seen first hand the Power of God when I pray. I’ve seen people changed. I’ve seen unbelievable things happen. I must confess though that the farther removed I am from amazing answers to prayer the more skeptical I become. I remember a quote I heard when I was young that said: “Prayer changes…