I live in the Southeast United States and our part of the country has a past in the area of prejudice to people. The word “prejudice” is “a pre-conceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. It is dislike, hostility or unjust behavior coming from unfounded opinions.” Unfortunately prejudice is often…
I actually like to cook and prepare food. I really like to bake cookies, cakes and such. The part I hate about cooking and baking is the cleaning up afterward. I usually follow the recipe when it’s written down. Some things that I make, I already have the recipe memorized and it’s pretty easy.…
My youngest son recently cut his foot pretty bad. He had an accident with his machete. When he first came in the house and explained what happened, his shoe was holding some pressure on the foot to slow down the bleeding. When I examined it closer by taking the shoe off, the blood was…
This has to do with making amends for a wrong that someone as done to another. It follows the apology or taking ownership of how I wronged the other person. It sometimes involves money or certain on-going service. It’s similar to community service for a misdemeanor conviction. I have not used this term in…
This word, like many words in the English vocabulary has different but similar meaning when used as an adjective or a verb. Separate means things that are apart and not joined together. It also means make things come apart or stay apart from one another. There are lots of things that are joined together that…
In the last few years much has been made of the Affordable Health Care Act (aka Obama Care) that was instituted by President Barak Obama in 2010. The idea was to increase the quality and affordability of health care for all Americans. I will let someone else determine the actual impact of this legislation.…
I am not a fan of infection. This can occur in many ways with the human body. A very common way is to eat or drink something that has a harmful organism. We can also get an infection from the air we breathe. Infections are part of our lives and fighting them is a…
Every now and then I have flash backs to a time of sickness or a surgery that I experienced first hand. Just this week, I’ve experienced both as my son had an accident with a machete and cut his foot really bad. He’s on the road to healing now with 13 stitches, bandages, tetanus…
I have a few rituals that I do every day, almost without exception. I make coffee in the morning, I shave, I shower – the morning ritual or routine. I can do some of the rituals while I’m half asleep. I like to rise early in the morning to have time to read and…
I’ve seen people in areas of high leadership simply abuse their position of authority and reveal their own personal agenda in the process. I believe that leadership carries with it extra responsibility and extra expectations. I expect leaders to lead with integrity and honor. There are some people simply born into leadership. Some have…