I sometimes get very busy and move from one area of my life into another. My life is somewhat compartmentalized into three areas: Personal, Work and Ministry. The lines or boundaries between these three areas are not very clean and clear. I sometimes end up trying to find someone a home and end up…
I have made big promises over the years. I learned a long time ago that God doesn’t require that I make a vow, but if I make one, I would be wise to keep it. I think the Lord listens to my promises. I don’t remember making big vows to the Lord, but I…
I have been Pop (aka Grandpa) for nearly a year and I really do like this new title and new role. It’s a blessing to see my children becoming parents. It’s weird in a way, but very normal at the same time. Getting to be around the little ones who are connected to me…
I see people all the time trying to connect two other people together. If they know both people and they are compatible, then they get introduced and possibly go out on a date. Relationships are tricky and somewhat fragile. When they are built right, they can be incredible rewarding and strong. I believe that God…
This word speaks to what others believe about me. To a certain extent, I can’t control what others think of me. Perception is not always correct, but to those who have a certain perception it’s reality for them. I’m aware that there can be huge misunderstanding and communication issues in nearly every circumstance, but…
My grandparents were husband and wife for nearly 70 years. They modeled what commitment looks like in marriage. They survived the Great Depression, multiple wars and 8 children. They were committed to each other. They eloped on Christmas day many years ago. I sometimes think of how deeply they were committed. Their wedding was…
I remember watching Back To The Future II with the movie set in a time and place where there was little or no law. The wealthiest people did pretty much what they wanted, because no one in law enforcement would challenge them. I can’t imagine what that might be like. I’m pretty sure that…
It’s hard to watch the local news in Atlanta without being disgusted with the choices of people who have no regard for human life or any life for that matter. They have no respect for the law of the land or the law of God. It is really hard to understand their thought process. Our…
Each morning when I read a passage from The Word and ponder what The Lord is saying, He speaks into my heart. This morning I read a passage in Judges that has really troubled me. The story starts out as a story of unfaithfulness and relentless pursuit. It just ends really badly without much explanation.…