Face Down


Abstract Silhouette PrayingI read an article several days ago about how often we are on our smart phones and the article pointed out that we are walking through life face down. I will confess that I work from my phone a lot because it is such a powerful tool that is with me all the time and I can do lots of business from it.

I’ve also read a book several years ago by Matt Redman called “Facedown”. The author points out: “When we face up to the glory of God, we find ourselves face down in worship.” I believe that my life story of every day life should worship and honor the Lord.

The people of Israel are now traveling through the desert of Zin. Moses and Aaron’s sister Miriam dies and is buried there. The people have no water and they gather in opposition to Moses and Aaron saying they wish they were still in Egypt. It seems to me that every time something doesn’t go like they think, they want to go back to Egypt. Moses & Aaron’s response is predictable but certainly powerful. Check this out…

6 Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the tent of meeting and fell face down, and the glory of the Lord appeared to them. 7 The Lord said to Moses, 8 ‘Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so that they and their livestock can drink.’ (Numbers 20:6-8 NIV)

The response of Moses and Aaron in times of difficulty was face down before the Lord.

The sufferings that I’ve been through in my life drove me face down before the Lord.

Maybe I should simply start every day face down before the Lord desperately dependent upon Him for my instructions for the day ahead.

I believe my physical posture before the Lord is important as I come into His Presence. I think my heart posture is most critical. My physical posture and my heart posture can assist one another in His Presence. It’s very humbling to get down on my knees before the Lord. That physical act can help my humble my heart before Him. I am amazed at what the Lord has done in my life over the years and when I bow before Him, its like I can see Him clearer than before. When I’m face down I’m not moving, but humbly lay out before Him. I’m not moving without Him. Face down is an immobile and humble position waiting on instructions from the Lord.

Today when I find my self face down on my phone, I’m going to be reminded to spend some time face down before Him asking for direction for my next steps in this life.

Pressing On!


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