I Know

There are things that I know because of my experiences. I know that the sun will come up today and set later this evening. I know the difference between right and wrong. I know that there are good people and there are mean people. There are righteous people and there are evil people. The list…

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I grew up thinking that if I went to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night that I would be a good Christian. Then I heard a guy say that “going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger”! I had to reexamine what…

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Heart Soil

My wife has a small, raised garden in our back yard. She has planted green beans, tomatoes, and okra. We have already enjoyed some of the green bean harvest. The rest is yet to come. My father-in-law plants a huge garden every year. We have enjoyed corn and cucumbers for sure. The thing about a…

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I was taught physical work when I was a kid growing up. My parents had lots of work to do around our mini farm. There were cows to milk in the morning and the evening. There were weeds to pull and a garden to tend.  We had a lot of grass to cut as well.…

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I love being connected to other people. I love my family and my extended family.  I love being connected with deep friendship. I love being connected with my church family. I believe that the Lord “hard-wired” us for connection – especially to Him! Jesus is teaching His disciples and His time to be crucified is…

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Wise Builder

I enjoy building things and watching them function for what they were built. I also enjoy repairing things that are broken. I am blessed to work with a builder who builds homes and helps fulfill dreams of people who dream of living in them.  I get to see firsthand the sequence of events that take…

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