Stand Still & Watch

We are in Football Season here in the South and it’s nearly its own religion. It is a bit fun to watch grown men and women get so excited watching other people do stuff. I admit that I like a good football match up. I remember hearing someone say years ago that football is a…

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Family Spokesperson

I grew up in a relatively large family. My parents both had 7 other siblings in their immediate family. My immediate family had 3 boys and 2 girls. When I was younger, my family traveled around the area of our home and sang at churches. If we had a family spokesperson, it was my Dad.…

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Powerful Presence

Around the first of this year, I was challenged instead of a “new year resolution” to choose a word that would speak to me all year long. I think the challenge was from a podcast featuring Jon Gordon. Jon Gordon is the Norman Vincent Pealeof our day, in my opinion. The word that came to…

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The Lord Will Provide

These four words are easy to say and affirm EXCEPT when the situation is desperate and scary. I can remember a time when I was praying for healing for my son as he fought cancer. I was scared as I watched him get so beaten down by the chemotherapy. I remember having a hard conversation…

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Remember When

I think it’s a good practice to look back at my history every now and then. How did I get here? What are some of the choices that brought me to this place in life? Who are some people that I connected with along life’s journey that helped me to where I am? The answers…

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Shallow Sin vs Deep Faith

I’ve been on both sides of this debate. I sometimes want what I want, and I go after it regardless if it’s healthy and good for me. I sometimes ignore the wise counsel of the Lord when He’s giving me subtle warnings or even shouting out the warnings. I do believe that sin is shallow…

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