A Musical Instrument

  My heart goes out to people who can’t talk. I also hurt for those who can’t see with their eyes or hear with their ears. They must compensate some other way for that deficiency. I know that I often take these things for granted. I love to hear people with other accents talk. I…

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I used to watch the TV showed called “The Voice”. It was a show about finding the best voice out of a competition that spanned the whole USA. The contestants would “show off” their voice by singing many different styles and genres of music.  The other voice is one we speak with. I have different…

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I think our voice is an amazing part of who we are. I’ve lost my voice before due to laryngitis and it’s no fun. I can hardly imagine not having a voice to speak and convey the things on my mind and in my heart to others. I’ve had the opportunity to see vocal chords…

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