
It is fairly easy to become discouraged. There are lots of “negative Nellies” and naysayers to make noise in our culture. It is easy to join the band of people who think negatively and speak negatively. It takes work to be positive and think positive. As a follower of Jesus, I feel compelled to lean…

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Deep Friendship

I have had the privilege of having many friends over the years. In my high school years, I had lots of friends. After high school, I moved about 4 hours away from home to go to college. My high school friendships faded significantly. I made friends at college and I’m close to many of them…

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I will often look up a word in the dictionary that jumped off the pages of God’s Word. This morning, the word honest jumped out. I was taught the value of honest at a young age when I was busted by my parents for being dishonest. I also learned how it hurts me and my…

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Rules To Live By

There are lots of rules and laws that we live by every day. There are many unspoken rules that we live by without giving much thought. For example, always face forward in an elevator; let others get off before you get on (elevator, buses, etc…); stand at least 3 feet back from a person at…

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Crossed Up

I have met people before and we simple “hit it off” right away. We connect in a friendly way, yet somehow a level of genuine respect is clearly inferred. There are other times when there is an early disagreement that seems to “start things off on the wrong foot”. As time goes on, we can often…

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Peace To Me

I like peace. I enjoy a peaceful evening. I enjoy a peaceful day beside the lake or stream. There is something about being near water that is relaxing and restorative. I also enjoy the mountains. I spent a few years living in East Tennessee and just to see the mountains in the distance reminded me…

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