Gratitude Expressed

I heard a quote not long ago that said, “Gratitude not expressed is the same as ingratitude”. I have been on a mission to express my gratitude to the Lord for all He is doing and has done in my life. I’m also trying to be deliberate at expressing my gratitude to others who have…

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Thanks & Praise

When my kiddos were small, I tried often to “catch them being good” and reward them for good behavior. It seemed there were seasons where all I did was punish bad behavior. It was way more fun to catch them doing good for sure.  When I think of some of the things I’ve done as…

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Sunrise Sunset

I love daytime and I really like it when we change to daylight savings time. The days seem a bit longer (the daylight hours are longer), but in fact we have the same 24-hour day. I enjoy it most this time of year. I’m an early riser, so I love seeing the sunrise pretty much…

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Thank You

These are two very simple words that bring a certain level of understanding and gratitude. I understand that someone helped me. I also have a heart of gratitude for the help that others give to me. There are people who thing they are “owed something” or that they “deserve to be helped”. I’m not much…

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Thank You

These two words carry some kindness and gratitude packed inside. These two words acknowledge that someone else blessed me. I learned at an early age to say “thank you” when someone did something nice for me. It can be really simple, like filling my glass with water at a restaurant, or as big as blessing…

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