
I was taught years ago that confession was agreement with the Lord about my sin. It’s a bit more than that. I believe that my confession is ownership of my sin.  Confession is admission and acknowledgment of something that I’ve done that is wrong. Confession is a word to describe a formal profession of my…

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Simple but Hard

There are a lot of things in life that are simple but hard. For example, eating right is simple, but hard. It takes great willpower to avoid the cookies, ice cream or cake. A phone call to deliver bad news is hard, but simple to do. I think sometimes, I over-think simple tasks and that…

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Quiet Wisdom

13 Here is another bit of wisdom that has impressed me as I have watched the way our world works. 14 There was a small town with only a few people, and a great king came with his army and besieged it. 15 A poor, wise man knew how to save the town, and so it was rescued. But afterward…

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Search & Seek

I love the search bar on my computer and all my devices. These tools are super helpful in looking for something specific. I’m super thankful for the technology that I have at my fingertips. The other day I was reading a magazine (a paper one!) and found myself wanting to reverse pinch to make the…

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Standing Firm

I grew up in the country side of Kentucky. I grew up in an era where your word and a hand shake were as good as a written contract. Things are a bit different now. If it isn’t in writing, it’s probably not going to happen. I grew up with values of hard work, honesty…

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Consistent & Steady

  There are so many things in my world that are inconsistent and unstable. There are more things than I can count, and I have very little control over most of them. I’m learning to simply focus on the things which I do have control over. I can control my attitude toward inconsistent and unstable…

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