Thankful For Pastors, Teachers & Leaders

When I look back over my life, there are many people along the way who invested in me as a young man. There are people investing in me even today. I’ve also had the chance to invest in others.  Before I was a student pastor, I was just a young kid who wanted to serve…

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All In For The Win

I am a sports fan. I have become a bit more relaxed over the years and I try hard not to get into a game to the point my blood pressure is up and I’m yelling at the TV! I have learned to be entertained by a sporting event rather that become consumed with the…

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Capable & Qualified

There are times in my work life that I’ve been capable, but not qualified. I’ve also been qualified, but not capable. For example, when I was first licensed in real estate, I was qualified, but there were things I needed to learn in order to be capable. I remember as a student pastor having opportunities…

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I remember being called to ministry at a very young age. After I went through the other professions that children sometimes choose like Firefighter or Policeman, I felt pulled toward ministry. I have a different view of ministry than others might have. I believe that there is “formal ministry” and “informal ministry” and they are…

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House Divided

When I think of a house divided, I think of fans of different football teams. Here in the south, collegiate football is almost like a religion. I grew up in Kentucky where basketball is more like a religious experience.  In Kentucky, if your spouse was a Louisville Cardinal fan and you were a Kentucky Wildcat…

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Obedience Brings Honor

I went through a bit of rebellion period in my younger years. (I know it’s hard to imagine!) I challenged everything my parents and anyone in authority had to say. I was still at home, so I really didn’t go anywhere or do anything major out of rebellion. I won’t disclose some of the stupid…

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