Truth Instructions

I recently heard someone say that there are many versions of the truth. My internal alarms went off. I can’t remember where I heard it from, but I’m confident that it may have been related to politics.  I’ve also heard people say that “there’s the truth, but then there are other peoples ‘version’ of the…

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Keep A Secret

I learned a long time ago what it meant to keep a secret. I learned what it meant to have a secret. The only sure-fire way to keep a secret is the NEVER share it with anyone. My wife and I decided to not keep secrets from one another. Over the years, we’ve done pretty…

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Heart Check-Up

  I recently went to the doctor for my “well check”. I routinely do this a couple times each year to make sure there is nothing weird going on with my body. The doctor always listens to my heart and lungs with a stethoscope to make sure all sounds clean and smooth. He encourages more…

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Obvious Secret

There are some situations that are easy to assess. The facts are obvious and clear. The innocence or guilt is really clear. Just about everyone I know keeps secrets. Some of the secrets could be really damaging to themselves and their reputation. Some secrets could lead to arrests and even jail time. Other secrets would…

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Secrets Revealed

I have learned over the years to keep my mouth closed on lots of topics. I know things about some people that should not be shared. I have been in the position to learn secrets that would destroy relationships and really harm lots of people if shared. I have also learned the value of having…

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  I remember getting away with things when I was a kid. The times I was caught are really etched in my mind. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I was trying something new and, BAM! –Busted. Looking back, I think getting busted was a good thing because I became keenly aware…

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