
I was driving on the interstate yesterday and kept finding myself talking out loud to a driver who couldn’t hear me. There were some drivers who were occasionally drifting out of their lane and getting too close for comfort to mine. I don’t consider myself a “territorial” person. “Stay in your lane” is a new…

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There are times when I’m surrounded by the walls of my house. There are times when I’m also surrounded by people. I’ve been surrounded by a fenced in yard. Being surrounded can feel threatening, but it can also feel safe. I believe that the Lord surrounds me, protects me and leads me. I want to…

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Mystery of God

There are things that happen the same way every time in life and there are things that are mysterious and unpredictable. For example, if I toss a ball into the air, it will come down every time. There are many examples like this. Then there are things that are mysterious and unpredictable. The wind is…

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This word means free from danger or not exposed to danger. I have an alarm system at my home and there is a level of security that comes with it. It feels safe inside knowing that my home is locked down and protected. Security can be a fleeting concept though. I can’t stay inside a…

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Safe Place

I’ve always tried to make my home a safe place for my family. I have security features in place at my home. I have locking doors; a security system and I have a firearm for the last resort of protection. I do like feeling like I’m in a safe place. I’ve known a lot of…

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New Clothes

The older I get the more I care about clothing. I’m not super concerned about the latest fashions or a certain “brand name” of clothes. I tend to go with what has worked well for me previously. I guess I’m simply not a “fashionista”! The recession, that is now over ten years old, taught me…

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