
Recently, I was asked to serve as an overseer (Elder) at our church – Southern Hills, the church at City Station.  We are a staff led, elder protected church. I am humbled to serve the kingdom in this role. I am among a fantastic group of men who seeking the heart of God in our…

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When my children were small, I was careful to protect them. When they were old enough to walk around, I had to “child-proof” the house. They didn’t know that electrical outlets would harm them. They didn’t know that the book on the table would hurt if it landed on their foot. They didn’t know that…

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Protection Plan

During this pandemic, there have been many strategies and models of flattening the curve. The shelter in place really diminished the spread of COVID-19 for sure. It now seems to me that the pendulum has moved too far in the other direction. I think we should still have a plan of protection and prevention for…

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Family Spokesperson

I grew up in a relatively large family. My parents both had 7 other siblings in their immediate family. My immediate family had 3 boys and 2 girls. When I was younger, my family traveled around the area of our home and sang at churches. If we had a family spokesperson, it was my Dad.…

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Crossed Up

I have met people before and we simple “hit it off” right away. We connect in a friendly way, yet somehow a level of genuine respect is clearly inferred. There are other times when there is an early disagreement that seems to “start things off on the wrong foot”. As time goes on, we can often…

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A New Sheriff

It seems like the presidential elections never stop going. Once a new president is elected, the process is started to think about who will replace him or her. The new president is starting to think how he/she can earn four more years. In our local area, we have county commission races getting underway and also…

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