
I could tell many stories of physical healing for sure. From small cuts to broken bones, healing was needed, and healing took place. Our bodies are created in such a way that they heal themselves – sort of.  I am a believer in Creator God. I believe that He is the Healer for sure. I…

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I am very protective of my family. I can’t help but want what is best for them and keep them from harm. I have learned over the years though that the struggle of growing up is necessary and while I can provide some level of protection, they need the Lord. His protection is 24/7. His…

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  I used to really consistent with working out. I used to run 3 miles per day. (Those who know me can’t quite picture this right now!) I also used to work out lifting weights five days a week. Now my body looks like one that used to work out and stopped. I’m using working…

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My Body – a temporary temple

As I get older, I realize that my body can’t do what it used to do. I remember my teenage years of being strong doing lots of manual labor. I don’t do as much manual labor as I once did and I usually remember it for about three days as I recover. A few days…

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Hardened Heart

We had a neighbor in Casey Creek, Kentucky – where I grew up who had “hardening of the arteries”. It was so sad to see this sweet lady who was full of class and was so kind, become mentally and physically dysfunctional over a short period of time. I remember thinking what a debilitating disease.…

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Outside Inside

The people I know and work with every day are like me – they care about how they look on the outside. I think most people care about their outer appearance – it’s been proven on YouTube that some people really don’t care about their outer appearance. I’m learning to look past the outward person…

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