
I have been following Jesus for several years. I am still growing in my faith as I study the Word of God to know Him more. I love the Gospel of John as this is Jesus’ friend writing about the events that happened while Jesus walked the earth. I love the simplicity of John’s writing…

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I Believe

I believe in God. I believe that He created all that I see and know, including the heavens and the earth and everyone here. I believe that He sent His One and Only Son to make a way back to Him. I believe that God is eternal, and I believe He will usher me to…

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Justice & Mercy

I feel like I’ve felt both justice and mercy as recent as last week.  I was driving through a town in Northwest Georgia and I was given a “safe driving award” (aka a speeding ticket). I was on the north side of the town and the traffic was opening up and I wasn’t paying close…

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Christ In Me

I really want others to see Jesus in me. I want them to notice Him by the way I live and the activities of my day. I know that I’m not perfect, but I am forgiven. His grace most definitely covers a multitude of sin. As I’ve journeyed through a hard week bidding farewell to…

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I have felt peace in so many areas of my life by trusting in the Lord. My trust in Him doesn’t always “fix” things, but my trust changes my perspective of the issues I’m facing. I’m still growing in my faith and I hope to keep growing until my last day here on earth. I…

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He Is Here

There are times in my life where I’ve been in a crowded room, yet I felt all alone. As I journey with the Lord, I realize that I am NEVER alone. He is with me. He gives me wisdom, insight and direction. As I journeyed through Job and Eliphaz is pushing on him. Eliphaz reveals…

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