
I remember playing a game as a child called “Simon Says”. The leader called out something we were supposed to do, like touch our head. The follower was supposed to do the task ONLY if the leader said “Simon Says…”  Another game we played was, “Mother may I”. We were told to do a task,…

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While Waiting

I’m not known for my patience. I’ve learned over the years NOT to pray for patience. When my wife and I are planning to leave at a certain time, I’m that guy who is ready to roll at that time. She has learned that about me and she is mostly on time.  I realize that…

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I am not a huge exercise fanatic. A person can look at the shape of my body and come to that conclusion. I do have endurance in many other areas for sure. When I take a few minutes to reflect over my life I have endured some hardship, suffering and setbacks. I’m still here plugging…

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There are many things that appear very urgent in my world. There are times when I’ve got an issue with my HVAC, water heater, plumbing or something else around the house. At other times, I need brakes on one of my vehicles or a sound develops in the vehicle that I haven’t heard before. It…

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It hurts my heart to see people who know the right thing to do, but they simply won’t change. There are times that there is a chemical addition hindering change. There are other times where pride and position hinder change. I believe that people can change. I believe I can change. I have made changes…

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Forgiveness Passed On

When I remember who I was and the things I’ve done in my past, I can’t throw stones at anyone else for anything. I’ve not sinned and done things that warrant civil punishment like jail time, but nonetheless, I’ve done some very stupid things. I’m so thankful that the Lord is not as concerned about…

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