
I really work at being kind to others. It’s harder to be kind to them when they are being rude or disrespectful. It’s easier to be kind to kind people. It’s easier to be kind to humble people. It’s easier to be kind to others when they have demonstrated love and respect toward me.  I…

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Grace & Mercy

I learned about Grace and Mercy later in life. I grew up with rules and regulation galore. It was the way of the church that I was part of. It was the background of my parents. The longer I walk with the Lord, the sweeter and deeper my understanding of grace and mercy becomes. There…

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I’m an early riser. I’m not sure who to credit or blame, but when I was around 14 years old, I got up early to milk the cows. My Dad milked two cows who gave more milk than the three I was in charge of milking.  We milked them by hand. This may have been…

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I’ve only flown stand-by one time, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. You might get on the flight home, and you might not. It was “not” for me. I understand the value of doing stand-by, but I’d much rather have my ticket with the specific date and time on it. Flying standby might end in…

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If You Can

I have had to ask others for help along the way of life.  I’ve also been asked to help others along the way too. I’ve been asked for some very challenging help – sometimes I’m simply not qualified to help. At other times, I’ve been asked for help and it’s a question of time commitment.…

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I often use this word when I’m angry because it doesn’t make my anger sound so bad. I think frustration is more of a hidden anger. I see anger out front and loud; frustration seems like anger that is being managed.  A relative word to frustration is exasperation. I think frustration comes when I really…

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