Battle Plan

I remember the first Gulf War called Desert Storm. I remember watching reports from General Norman Schwarzkoph that were informational, insightful and sometimes a bit humorous. After the US had successfully taken out the Republican Guard, the general reveal his battle plan. He built up a strong force on the border with Kuwait where the…

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Strength & Courage

There have been times in my life when I’ve walked through some scary moments with family or friends. I don’t always know how some stories end, but I can walk through tough and scary moments with the Lord leading me and His Presence abiding with me. I just started reading in the book of Joshua…

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New Level of Blessing

I try to wake up each morning with a grateful heart for the blessing of the Lord upon my life. Even when I’m stressed, I have much to be thankful for. I believe that the blessing of the Lord is a by-product of my obedience and trust in Him.  I also believe that the blessing…

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Trust & Obey

I remember an old hymn that I used to sing growing up called: “Trust & Obey”. The chorus says: “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” I’ve been learning over the years that the Lord is blessed by my obedience then all the songs…

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Obedient Attitude

I remember as a kid not appreciating or liking some of the instructions of my parents. I thought they were crazy. I often thought I was smarter than they were. I remember times that I pouted even though I was obeying my parents. I had a “tude” about whatever it was they were asking me…

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Giving Reveals My Heart

I grew up watching my parents give to the church. I didn’t always know how much they gave, but I saw them give. They were also givers with their time and talents as well. I’m thankful for their example as it inspired and motivated me.  I believe giving reveals my heart. If I’m giving to…

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