Light & Joy

These two words don’t require a lot of explanation. They do need to be understood in the context of their use. Light has multiple uses. It can be broad and splashy, displayed for thousands to enjoy at one time. The Christmas season is upon us and lights will be everywhere drawing attention to The Light…

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Dark Night

There are times that the dark night is very dark, and the darkness feels very thick. I remember going to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and we went to this place called the church. The guide turned out all of the lights and lit a match. The darkness was so thick that the simple match illuminated…

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Playing In The Dark

I remember as a kid being a bit of afraid of the dark. When I go older, I became bolder and less afraid of the dark. I remember working on the security team in college and having to go into dark places (attics & basements) where darkness loomed. I must confess that I was a…

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I enjoy walking into a room that is well lit. The lighting can set the mood or atmosphere. The lighting can reveal details and the lack of lighting can cover up flaws or mistakes. When attending a play my attention is drawn to the light. I often will try to see what’s taking place outside…

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Light For Life

I can only imagine what it would be like to dwell in a dark hole for several weeks or months. I’ve seen prisoners of war depicted in movies being put in a dark place for several weeks and then suddenly exposed to brightness of sunshine. Our eyes adjust to the darkness and they adjust to…

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Flooded With Light

I have flood lights on my house. When I turn them own or if motion turns them own, I want them to illuminate a large area around my home so that I can possibly see what or who is out there. I do admit that I like daylight better than darkness. It seems that more…

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