Dark Day

I’m excited that the days are getting a bit longer as each day goes by. We are headed toward Springtime here in Georgia.  The dark days of winter have always been harder for me because the weather is cold and dark.  The reality is that the days not long, but they are really not darker. …

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I’m not a huge fan of darkness. I’m not afraid of the dark, but I am suspicious of things that I can’t see in the dark.  I worked campus security when I was in college. I had to go to different parts of the campus and buildings to keep a watchful eye on the systems…

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Light It Up!

There are some people who come into a room and they simply seem to light it up! They are kind-hearted, funny and a joy to be around. They seem to know how to make things better with their presence.  I may or may not know them well, but the way they carry themselves and interact…

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Leave The Light On

When my kids were younger, they would often leave the light in a room on when no one needed it any longer. I became known as the “electricity sheriff” as I would get up and turn out lights throughout the house. I knew the amount of the electricity bill, because I had to pay it.…

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I grew up learning to obey and respect my parents even when I didn’t agree with them. It seems like my Dad reminded me a few times that he couldn’t “make me do something”, but he could “make me wish I had”!  I think it’s important for children to learn obedience at an early age,…

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The Light Is Here

I love to see a beautiful sunrise or sunset. I am not a fan of darkness, although I sleep better when it gets dark for sure. I love having light most of the time. I get excited when the time changes in the spring because we have more light in the evening. I like longer…

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