Things Change

We often live like things will always be as they are. I’ve been there and done that. We buy and borrow as if we always be at this or that workplace. If you had told me 20 years ago that I’d be doing what I’m doing today for a career, I would have laughed. I…

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Critical Correspondence & Conversation

I am not a big fan of conflict, but there are times when conflict just can’t be avoided. I do believe there is a right way and wrong way to handle conflict. The person initiating the conflict doesn’t always surprise the other person. They could probably feel the pressure rising. There are other times that…

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Big Life Change

There have been instances in my life where my life changed in a big way. I’m thinking of job changes that look small in light of career change. All of those changes look small in light of divorce. Some life changes rock me from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head.…

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