Big vs. Small

There are times when things appear so big, but in reality, they are small. There are other times when some things appear really small and insignificant, and it’s really big and very significant. I think sometimes the lens I look through can be very distorted and a bit wacked out. If I look at life…

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Large & In Charge

My path has crossed people who in their own eyes were the leader of the free world. They know everything about anything. They have an arrogant attitude to go with all this “knowledge”. They are not fun to be around. My approach to people like that is to let them “blather on and on and…

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Large & In Charge

How could I possibly put limits on God? How could I possibly begin to describe Him in size and scope?  He created all that I see and know. He sustains all of creation. He is present everywhere. He knows everything. He really is beyond describing. As I read through the Psalms, the writer actually does…

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