Become Generous

I have known so many generous people throughout my lifetime. Some were generous with their finances. Some were generous with their time. Some were generous with their insight and counsel. Some were generous with their love. They all had a profound impact upon my life over the years. I can see certain people behind each…

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Plow Up My Heart

I love the springtime when the gardens are freshly plowed and ready to plant.  Please don’t misunderstand, I don’t enjoy the process of plowing, preparing, planting or even harvesting. I love to eat the food that comes because of these steps in the process. The Lord is the One who make things grow. He builds…

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Being honorable implies worthy of honor. An honorable person is known for being honest, fair, and worthy of respect. An honorable person seeks to live up to high principles of truth and doing the right thing.  We often call judges and persons who hold high office “your honor”. Paul reminds the church at Rome about…

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But God…

This is not a typical title for sure. I was stopped in my tracks this morning by the three-letter word “but” because it was attached to God. The word “but” is most often a conjunction (transitional word). It can be used as a preposition, adverb, or a noun.  I was reading along in the New…

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Reciprocal Encouragement

I really appreciate encouragement. I try hard to not be dismissive when someone is encouraging me. I also try to be an encourager of others. Encouragement can speak life into another. Encouragement can inspire another. Encouragement can motivate another. Encouragement is a gift that I can give freely with an unending supply chain. Paul writes…

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I have learned about investing over the years. I have made some good investments over the years along with some bad investments. Investments come in lots of different shapes and sizes. There are financial investments. There are emotional investments. There are physical investments. There are spiritual investments. Some investments are tangible and measurable, and others…

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