
I used to watch Mission Impossible (the TV show) when I was a kid. The team would receive the mission and then the message would self-destruct.  I’m always interested in WWII Missions as well. There is usually a lot of planning involved in a mission. “A mission is simply a task that has been assigned…

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This word means “reason or rationale” behind doing something. If I do something, I must have a reason behind that action. My motives are not always obvious to everyone else. I sometimes ignore my motives and just spring into action. There is always a motive behind every activity.  I think it’s simply to decide whether…

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Use It or Lose It

I come from a musical family. My Grandma Hicks was in her 80’s when we would go visit. She lived in a nursing home, but she loved to play guitar. We would wheel her out and get her set up and she would entertain the other guests and us as well. She grew up play…

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The Golden Rule

I’ve heard of the golden rule my whole life. I thought it was something that my parents made up to get me to behave. As I grew older, I realized that it’s an excellent idea and a good way to live. I did also learn that Jesus said it when He was teaching in His…

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Love Big

I do love people. There are times when I encounter people who are harder to love than others. For example, a thief or a thug is harder for me to love. They are so self-centered that they will hurt others to get what they want. As I write these words, I feel the Spirit whisper…

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Used By God

I know what it’s like to feel used by another person. When I became a REALTOR, I felt like people treated me as a second-class professional. I think people thought that I was only out for myself and they were probably not far off in their thought. I have since learned that as a REALTOR,…

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