
This is a word that screams out commitment. If a person is dedicated to their job, they display commitment in all sorts of ways. Dedicated means “wholly committed to something or someone”. This word also refers to “dedicate” something, which carries some responsibility to the one dedicating something or someone for a specific purpose. In…

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Personal Holiness

What does holiness look like in someone? I used to imagine that it was someone who wore white. I also thought it might me be someone in a high-up leadership position in the church. Over the years I’ve learned that the people I thought were holy were 100% human. I’ve also thought that holiness is…

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Dressed For The Job

I was planning to look at property and I was in dress slacks and a branded dress shirt. I did remember my boots. Thankfully, I was in a 4 X 4 Ranger and I did gets leaves and twigs on me, but I was able to go back to work and look mostly normal the…

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Daily Presence

I’ve been trying to practice the Presence of God in my daily journey for many years now. I don’t know of a secret formula or a trick to it. I decided several years ago that I would get up a bit earlier, while the house was still quiet from the night and spend time reading…

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All Dressed Up

I am a bit of a routine person in the morning. I get the coffee brewing, then a shave and shower and finally I pick out my clothes for the day. I will sometimes pick out my clothes the evening before. I actually iron my clothes every day (even if it doesn’t look like it).…

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Every Morning

I am definitely a “morning person”. For a long time, I tried to be a “night owl” and a “morning person”, but it just didn’t work.  I have learned the value of a set time and routine at the end of the day. I really enjoy the morning time with fresh coffee and watching the…

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