
I am not in the habit of fasting. I see it as a discipline that when I take a break from something (like food, or social media), I should replace that time with prayer and time spent with the Lord. I definitely don’t think this should be announced or a big deal made of it.…

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Light & Joy

These two words don’t require a lot of explanation. They do need to be understood in the context of their use. Light has multiple uses. It can be broad and splashy, displayed for thousands to enjoy at one time. The Christmas season is upon us and lights will be everywhere drawing attention to The Light…

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I will be the first to admit that I’m not a clean freak. I can handle clutter for a little while and then I have to take action and clean up. I wash my hands often, but not like “OCD people”.  Summer time presents other issues regarding cleanliness. I also sweat a good bit if…

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