Conditional Prayer

“If you do this, then I’ll do that” is a conditional promise. There are also promises made without conditions.  The Lord loves without condition, but I’m not sure He blesses without conditions. I recall the passage where Jesus said: “….For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain…

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Heart Condition Update

When a doctor tells a patient that they have a heart condition, it’s almost like hearing the word “cancer”. There are many different levels of heart condition as there are many different forms and stages of cancer. (I would like to be president of the “HATE CANCER CLUB”.) I was speaking to my doctor about dieting…

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Strength Of My Heart

I woke up around 3 AM this morning and my heart was pounding out of my chest. I realized that it was just a dream. I was trying to rescue a neighbor from danger and things looked really bad…then I woke up. As I’ve gotten older, I think about my heart a lot more. This…

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Judgement Day

I can hardly put my head around what this is going to be like. I remember as a kid being so fearful of judgment day. I think I’m unsure of how it will unfold. I picture it much like John writes about in revelation, but then it’s hard to take the most symbolic book of…

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Heart Condition

Everyone I know has a heart condition. Some have a weak heart condition and some have a strong heart condition. Whenever I hear those two words together it is usually a heart condition that is bad and needs treatment of some sort. I have a physical heart that is getting older and has been pumping…

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Heart Condition

When I hear that a person has a “heart condition”, I become concerned. My heart is in the top two most vital organs in my body. My heart is that pumping organ (not the musical instrument!) that pushes blood throughout my body. Without my heart working, I won’t live. It is vital to my body…

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