Hard Heart

I’ve been accused of being hard-headed and stubborn. I try not to get my feelings hurt too much by that because there are convictions and things that I believe that are non- negotiable.  I will dig in hard on those things. With other things and ideas, I like to be creative and flexible. On my…

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Heart Check-Up

  I recently went to the doctor for my “well check”. I routinely do this a couple times each year to make sure there is nothing weird going on with my body. The doctor always listens to my heart and lungs with a stethoscope to make sure all sounds clean and smooth. He encourages more…

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I’ve lost count at how many times I find myself in a position of repentance. I believe that I’m older and wiser, but yet I still find myself in a place of repentance. I actually believe that repentance is a part of my life as a follower of Jesus. I know what I’m supposed to…

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Hard Heart

  I have had to really fight the condition of having a hard heart. I have been duped many times by people appearing to be having a hard time providing for their family and they ask for help. I remember being conned early in ministry, when the town drunk gave me a sad story about…

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Hardened Heart

  I’ve met people who were very stubborn and hard to deal with. I’ve also met some of the nicest people on the planet in my life. I’ve also studied the issues related to behavior and how it’s connected to a person’s heart. When I talk about the heart, I’m talking somewhat about the big…

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I remember working around the farm as a young man and getting blisters on my hand that later developed into callouses. Callouses is the thickened or hardened skin that forms mostly on hands as we do repetitious chores. It is also known as the boney healing tissue that forms around the end of a broken…

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