
I have always thought for the most part, that when you get older, you get wiser. As I get older, I realize that is not necessarily true. Older people have more experiences. Older people probably should be wise with all the lessons learned, but sometimes they are not wise. I don’t think wisdom is accidental…

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Mystery Growth

I’m amazed and thankful to the people who farm the land and grow food. My father-in-law grows a big garden each year. I do pitch in and help when he needs my help. He grows corn, green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, okra, squash and more. It requires a lot of preparation and planning. He sometimes purchases…

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News Travels

I remember the morning of September 11, 2001, like it was yesterday. I was in the church office working and someone called to tell us about the first plane hitting one of the towers in New York. We immediately got to a television to hear about it and then the second plane hit. The news…

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I’ve made too many mistakes in my life to count and I’m sure I will make more in the time I have left on earth. A mistake is “an action or judgement that is misguided or wrong”. I have not made a lot of intentional mistakes, but I still have made some mistakes out of…

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Deep Commitment

I have had relationships over the years that have developed into deep friendships. I feel like the richest man on earth when it comes to family, friends and colleagues. I think one of the things that makes my life so rich and full is the depth of commitment that we have to one another. I…

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Some people hate confrontation and others seem to thrive on it. I would probably fit in the former “camp”, but I have learned that is necessary in most any level of leadership. Confrontation is a relative of accountability. If someone desires to be held accountable to me for something, at some point, I will need…

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