But God…

This is not a typical title for sure. I was stopped in my tracks this morning by the three-letter word “but” because it was attached to God. The word “but” is most often a conjunction (transitional word). It can be used as a preposition, adverb, or a noun.  I was reading along in the New…

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Some of my closest friends I’ve known for years. We seem to pick up right where we left off when we get together. I can share anything and everything with them and they listen and give counsel where needed. They also give comfort where needed. They’ve also given financial support when needed. Friends are a…

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This word is a part of my every day existence. In dealing with the public as well as colleagues in the Real Estate business, I’ve learned to believe what people tell me until I’m proven otherwise. I try to believe in people for the most part. There are some people who’s reputation for dishonesty screams…

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