
Sin is described as a violation of moral law or code. Sin is also defined as disobedience to God. I am defining sin as “missing the mark”. I have a goal to live a righteous life and I miss that mark often. I stand before the Lord often wearing and bearing my shame. I am…

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Know Hope

I love the word hope. It is positive. It is optimistic.  Hope means that things will get better. I have many situations in my life that seemed hopeless and grim. When Hope enters the room, the mood changes, and new life comes to my words and my spirit. It is sometimes very dark before the…

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I definitely know what consequences are. A consequence is the result or effect of an action that was taken. I’ve done things where the consequence was long term and hard. I’ve made what seemed like a small mistake with a large consequence.  I’ve been forgiven of sin, but still had to face the consequences of…

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I’ve been held accountable for my actions for my whole life. I have been watching this show called “North Woods Law” where the game wardens of Maine, hold hunters accountable for obeying the law.  I purchase a license when I hunt or fish. There are rules in our society on multiple levels that I’m held…

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I used to hate it when my parents would send me to my room because I was about to receive punishment that I deserved for something I had just done. The time between being sent to my room and waiting for the spanking (aka whoopin’) was pretty miserable. I needed some firm boundaries as a…

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Forgiveness is very real and a huge blessing. I am so thankful for receiving forgiveness many times over for stupid stuff I’ve done or simple mistakes I’ve made. I’ve also been the giver of forgiveness and it relieves me of a burden and can bring healing to my soul. Forgiveness is something I give to…

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