Unselfish Leadership

Leaders often are in a position to make things better for themselves at the expense of the people they lead.  This can put a sour taste in the mouths of the people they lead. I struggle to follow such leaders. This can be very obvious in the political arena or in the hierarchy of any…

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Early Years

I can’t remember a lot about my life before kindergarten. I do have some memories starting in first grade with Mrs. Bradshaw. Those early years were formative, and I learned a lot about life during those times. As I get older, I realize the significance of the influences of my early years. I learned to…

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Desperate Leadership

I know what it’s like to be in charge and yet not sure how to go where we are supposed to go. There are those who are put in leadership position without leadership ability. “If you’re leading and no one is following, then you’re just taking a walk.” (Afghan proverb) Leadership is not always easy…

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Leader Staff Support

I have served on staff under leaders who lead and leaders who are not sure what they are doing. I can tell you; I would much rather serve a leader with vision, courage and compassion for those he/she is leading. There are people who are more skilled at leading while others wear a title that…

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Wise Up!

I’ve learned a lot over the course of my life. I’ve learned that stoves are hot. I’ve learned to get in out of the rain if possible. I’ve learned to respect people older than me. I’ve learned to discern what is wise and what is foolish. I wish I could say that I always choose…

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  I believe that this is an important word to keep at the forefront of my mind. My choices and actions today either support and build my reputation or tear it down. A good reputation takes a long time to build, but it can be destroyed with one bad decision. I heard a great quote…

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