Lord Have Mercy

I’ve heard others say this line many times when I was growing up. Upon hearing some hard news about an event, “Lord, have mercy” would be the response. I really never gave it much thought, but it’s a pretty cool prayer. Mercy by definition is “kindness or forbearance shown to another in one’s power”. It…

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Hold Firmly

  I remember at a very young age swinging from “the monkey bars” on the playground.  Part of the key to navigating “the monkey bars” was a strong grip. It also took some upper body strength to accomplish that. As I get older, my grip may not be as strong as it once was. My…

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He Cares

  It bothers me to be around people who just don’t care about anything or anyone but themselves. If you hang with others for any amount of time, I can usually figure it out. Don’t get me wrong, I can be as selfish as the next person. There is a fight that goes on inside…

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