
I have had the privilege of meeting people who are famous. I have met actors and politicians alike. I’ve found that they are human as I am. We have lots of similarities like eating food, sleeping, and getting dressed to take on a new day. They often have more money and possessions than I do,…

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The Lord Did It

I remember visualizing the devil as a red guy with a pitchforked tail. I now realize how naïve that I was. He is in disguise often. He temps me in all sorts of ways. I must be on guard against His evil schemes. One of the ways I can be alert is to study the…

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Not Needed

I think most everyone likes to be needed at a certain level. Some people thrive when needed. Others get a bit arrogant when they are needed. I think we are all needed at some level on this earth, but we are not all necessary. When I breathe my last breath, there will be someone who…

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The Famous One

I used to want to be famous. I realize that fame comes at a huge cost to a person’s personal life. There are many who want to be famous and they’re pushing hard so that they can sell their songs or their product to others. There are others who are famous, but for negative reasons.…

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This is a word that has a couple of different uses for sure. Doing someone a favor is “doing a kind act for them out of the goodness of one’s heart”.  The other big use of this word is “friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill or held in regard”.  It is the latter that jumped from…

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I used to want to be famous. There is a part of me that still wants people to know me and like me. As I grow older, I’m ok for people just to know me – it doesn’t “rock my boat” as much if people don’t like me. I’ve been following the Lord for many…

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