Shared Heart King

I made a commitment to my wife over 25 years ago that I would be faithful to her until death separates us. I have kept that commitment. I also have a commitment to my children to care for them, protect them and provide for them while they are young.  I was challenged many years ago…

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Dark Day

I’m excited that the days are getting a bit longer as each day goes by. We are headed toward Springtime here in Georgia.  The dark days of winter have always been harder for me because the weather is cold and dark.  The reality is that the days not long, but they are really not darker. …

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Christ In Me

I really want others to see Jesus in me. I want them to notice Him by the way I live and the activities of my day. I know that I’m not perfect, but I am forgiven. His grace most definitely covers a multitude of sin. As I’ve journeyed through a hard week bidding farewell to…

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I used to love the game Pictionary where you gave clues by drawing a picture. Some of my drawing was pretty bad. It had to be fast because there was a timer going. There were other games where you read a word and had to give clues without saying the word. I think the timer…

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Show Repentance

I’ve privately repented before the Lord many times of my private sin. Repentance is a U-turn. I was going in one direction (the wrong direction) but now I’m turning and heading in the right direction. Repentance is hard sometimes. Repentance is humbling. Repentance requires me to lay down my pride. My journey through Job is…

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Have You Ever?

Have you ever had some ask a question that made you feel stupid? Have you ever asked someone a question to make them feel small? I have known people that I don’t want to get in a verbal sparring match with them, because they are “quick witted”, and they will defeat me soundly with words.…

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