Cycle of Sin

I am certainly not a perfect person. I do try to live according to God’s plan and God’s will for my life, but I’m definitely not perfect. I fail miserably at times and I get frustrated with myself. I know what the right thing is to do, I just don’t do it at times.  I…

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Working Out My Faith

I am an unashamed follower of Christ. I am certainly NOT perfect. I wish I could say that I don’t sin. I wish I could say I would not sin even today. I still have a lot of growing to do in my faith. I’m a bit farther along in the journey that even a…

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The Battles

I would say that I’ve fought many “battles” in my life. I haven’t served in the military per se. Most of my battles have been a bit personal and some of the time involved other people. The biggest part of my battles has been fought “between my ears”. Some of my battles are internal and…

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Wealth & Wisdom

There are people who are really wealthy, but not wise. There are people who are wise, but poor. Then there are those who are wise and wealthy and that’s the person I want to pay closer attention too. I think wealth and wisdom are often connected.  People who are wise and wealthy are often self-educated.…

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Prayer Power

I have learned the power of prayer over the years as I continue to walk with the Lord. His Word has convicted me many times to pray and seek His help. I have prayed simple prayers like, “Help!” and I’ve prayed very detailed and specific prayers. My prayers have been all over the place, but…

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I remember being called to ministry at a very young age. After I went through the other professions that children sometimes choose like Firefighter or Policeman, I felt pulled toward ministry. I have a different view of ministry than others might have. I believe that there is “formal ministry” and “informal ministry” and they are…

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