Parent’s Blessing

I remember my Dad telling me that “this was hurting him more than it was hurting me” as he was delivering a well-deserved spanking to me a disobedient child. I took issue with his statement back then, but when my kids needed punishment, those words came back to mean something to me. I did not…

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I remember as a kid thinking some of my parent’s rules were stupid. I still followed most of their rules. I only broke the ones I thought I could get away with.  🙂  When I became a parent and had what I thought were a few simple rules, my kids thought some of my rules…

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Procedure & Protocol

There are certain protocols in most areas of life. Protocol is simply the formal way of doing something.  Protocol often involves procedure which is acting in according to a preceding process. I am a pretty systematic person on most days. I have certain procedures that I go through to begin my day. I am the…

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Full House

I used to watch a show called Full House on ABC. It was a situation comedy (aka “sitcom”) based on the life of a widower named Danny Turner as he raises three daughters. Family dynamics can be a bit unpredictable.  As our kids grow into adults, they develop their own unique personality. I grew up…

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I have committed my life to the Lord several years ago. I have found that it’s not a “one and done” type commitment. I woke up this morning and started taking in the sunrise. As I read about the people of Israel and Moses’ final instructions from the Lord, I was convicted that maybe my…

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I sometimes don’t like competition, but it seems to be everywhere in our world. I dialed back the amount of sporting events I watch until I could get my heart right. I’m not one of these die-hard fans who die my skin the color of my favorite team. Those who know me well, know that…

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