
I remember hearing secrets as a kid. I’m sure I was not a good secret keeper. As I grew older, I learned who to trust with secrets.  Our government has secrets – every government does. When secrets leak out, it reveals insight and motives of the people keeping the secrets. I’ve always thought of a…

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Love Each Other

It’s easy to love people who are likeable and nice. It’s harder to love people who are a bit hateful, unkind or moody. There are some people it’s easy to love and others take lots of discipline and it’s hard. There are people who’ve hurt me and it’s harder to love them. There are people…

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Bring On The Light

I wake up most mornings and turn on minimal light in the house as I wake up to face the day. I like to watch the day wake up as the sun rises. I am not a fan of darkness. I like to have light available all around. Jesus was teaching the people when the…

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I’m not a huge fan of darkness. I’m not afraid of the dark, but I am suspicious of things that I can’t see in the dark.  I worked campus security when I was in college. I had to go to different parts of the campus and buildings to keep a watchful eye on the systems…

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The Light Is Here

I love to see a beautiful sunrise or sunset. I am not a fan of darkness, although I sleep better when it gets dark for sure. I love having light most of the time. I get excited when the time changes in the spring because we have more light in the evening. I like longer…

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Dark Night

There are times that the dark night is very dark, and the darkness feels very thick. I remember going to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and we went to this place called the church. The guide turned out all of the lights and lit a match. The darkness was so thick that the simple match illuminated…

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