I Did or I Did Not

I feel like life is made up of hundreds of choices every day. The simpler my life is, the less choices I have to make. When I’m crazy busy, I have lots of choices to make and they can’t always be delegated to someone else. When the dust of my day clears, I really make…

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Great Attitude

I have seen people with a great attitude and less skill go further and faster forward in life than a person with profound knowledge and greater skill. A great attitude is like oil to the inner workings of an engine – all the parts work better together when the internal lubricant is properly added. I…

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Foolish or Wise

I’ve been around some incredibly wise people. I enjoy hearing the story of their journey through life and the lessons learned. Wise people aren’t through learning.  I’ve also been around some foolish people. They only live for today and they’ve learned little from their journey. They keep making the same mistakes repeatedly. Foolish people aren’t…

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Daily Choice

  There are choices that I have to make every single day of my life. It doesn’t matter where I’m at; I still make some of the same choices every single day. I choose the clothes I wear, the food I eat, the coffee I drink. I choose the things that are most important for…

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Easy Choice

  I am faced with so many choices every day of my life. A lot of choices are very easy, while some are quite difficult. I began trusting the Lord with my life many years ago. I am still learning that putting my trust in Him is still a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute idea. This is…

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I have tons of these every day. I can choose what to wear, what to eat, what time to get up…. I have lots of choices. I am making many choices when I’m simply driving to work. My choices that I make early in the am sometimes set the tone for the whole day. Likewise,…

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